Kayleigh Ann Cornett

My cousin Heather is expecting her first baby in June.  Heather and Tyler are a sweet couple and we can’t wait for little Kayleigh to get here. 



Colorado or Bust

This week has been a time of rest and reflection.  Last Thursday, 6 women packed up in a huge car and headed out onto the open road. Little did we know what was in store for us!



I love these girls.  I loved them before this trip but now they hold a VERY special place in my heart.  I know I needed this time away and it did me well.  Thanks so much girls!


[see the slideshow below]



So tonight we were worshipping.   I was standing beside Mandy and Ava.   I love to worship next to them and to see the precious bond they have. I look over at Mandy worshipping with her arms raised.   Then I look down at little Ava and see her look up at her mom and then raise her hands as well.   Tears came to my eyes as the Lord spoke to my heart and said  “that the difinition of coming to me in a child like manner.   That’s what I want from you.”.   Wow.

The fact that Eli and Mandy have made such an impact on that little toddler just spoke to my heart and made me want to be that kind of parent.   The terms “pushing your kids to Christ” and “preach the gospel, use words when necessary” have a whole new meaning.


This week I was blessed to be able to travel to Springfield to visit with some old friends of mine. Alastair and Geanna are dear to my heart and a really amazing couple. Geanna asked me to snap a few shots of their family while I was there. We worked with what we had, but I was still very happy with them. 🙂


my fav. 🙂


their precious little family


I love you guys and I cant wait for what’s next….BABY PICTURES!  🙂

just kidding….there is no baby on the way…….yet.

James Family


You have done great things!

your love never fails

I was looking back at my life today. Thinking about all of the hard times and struggles that I’ve been through over the last few years. The moments where I blamed God for all of my selfishness, sin, pride, and hurt. The days where I thought I wasn’t going to make it thru. The nights when I cried myself to sleep. The months that were full of doubt that God could bring me thru to a sunnier tomorrow. Those were the times when I felt all alone, like He had walked out on me and had left me to just die in my misery. It really was that bad. I can remember trying to fill my time with pointless things of this world. I can also remember my heart being so angry at God for tearing my life apart, that I had such hatred. I prayed for a sunnier tomorrow.


That prayer wasn’t answered until about 3 years later. These are the days that I’m living in now where I can finally walk in joy. Where I can know that my God loves me and does watch over me. Without a shadow of a doubt I know that God was with me during the rough times of my life. The nights that I cried myself to sleep.  That He was right there, crying as I cried. Crying that I had put myself in a situation where I saw no way out. Crying that I had blamed Him for something that was totally and completely my fault. During all of that time I had given up on God, but He had never given up on me. We don’t realize that as we are going through struggles in life. Some people may never realize it, but as I sit here today, I almost feel overwhelmed at the one true Love I have been given.  The Peace that passes all understanding.  The hand that holds my hand every day.


Look out Galveston, here we come!

welp, courtney wanted to do her senior pictures last week. and i decided i wanted to go on a memorable trip because I was actually off on a Saturday and i didnt want to just sit around huntsville. so i decided we should go to galveston for the day. and we could even do her pictures down there!


we didnt get much of a sunrise out of it

p-nuckle loved the sand!

We even got to ride the ferry!

  We didnt really get any pictures out of it for her, but we will try again in a few weeks and see if we can get them!  It was a great day spent with an AMAZING friend!



Quick trip home…

These pictures are missing one thing…THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!

i will get lots of pictures of her at Easter. 🙂


I almost felt a little bad.  we went riding on the golf cart and we couldnt find his jacket, so we had to put him in a one piece speedo.  🙂

I’ll have to show this to him when he’s 16.
