Category Archives: Portraits

Maddi *portraits*

This girl always has a smile on her face and no one can ever say a single bad thing about Maida.  She’s leaving for the summer to go back to Jordan and we will miss her but she’ll be back in the fall to PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR!  


For this shoot, I wanted to do something different.  I need to boost my ego for just a second.  I wanted to focus on more lighting and capture more colors & it worked!  I am so proud.  I hand color corrected each of these with TRA and so it took a lot longer to get them posted, but IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!  Maddie is amazing and beautiful so I had a pretty good model to work with!  I’m so glad she liked them!



Courtney Lefler *graduation*

Man oh man.  Where to start?  Courtney has been amazing to me.  She’s been the one true friend that I’ve had since I’ve moved here and she’s stuck by me and loved me and I dont know where I would be without her.  I CANT BELIEVE SHE’S LEAVING ME IN AUGUST!!!  ugh.  But…they are moving to Fort Collins, Colorado to work with a campus ministry up there and help jumpstart the Chi Alpha.  So I cant complain.  Yet another excuse for me to jump on a plane and go visit someone.  She graduates from Sam on May 16th!  Congrats Windy!  I love you!
