Just some ramblings

It is so weird to look back at the Phases of your life. It was only 8 years ago I was graduating highschool and about to move away from home I never would have thought life would lead  Me where it has.  Never in a million years would I have dreamed I would live in Texas. Muchless Huntsville. People ask me all the time “How in the world did you end up here?”  Funny thing is, I can’t picture my life any different from what it is right Now. I know I’m in the lords hands and I couldn’t be happier!

I have grown more than imaginable since I’ve been here.  Looking back and reading some old blogs and journal entries today, I realized how much I have changed.  Man, THANK THE LORD!  Without Him none of this would have happened.  I am eustatic about the people He has placed in my life.  A loving church and faithful friends.  Friends whom I didnt even know when I first moved here and now I wonder how my life would ever function without them.

Just sit back….and think about how awesome your life is…even when you may think its not.

Today I’m gonna try a little harder.
Gonna make every minute last longer.
Gonna learn to forgive and to forget
cuz we don’t have long gotta make the most of it.
Today I’m gonna love my enemies.
Reach out to somebody who needs me.
Make a change
Make the world a better place.
Cuz tomorrow could be one day too late.


today i was digging thru some old memories and i found this….cant go wrong with some good times with great friends!

Rains – “I do.”

Well well well…..what a great wedding.  What a fun couple!  I had so much fun shooting Jessica and Brandon’s wedding in Austin.  Blessings to you both!

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2009-06-30 | Emma

I got to hang out with Emma Lou today!  What an awesome day with an awesome little girl.  I could resist taking a few pictures of her.  🙂


Maddi *portraits*

This girl always has a smile on her face and no one can ever say a single bad thing about Maida.  She’s leaving for the summer to go back to Jordan and we will miss her but she’ll be back in the fall to PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR!  


For this shoot, I wanted to do something different.  I need to boost my ego for just a second.  I wanted to focus on more lighting and capture more colors & it worked!  I am so proud.  I hand color corrected each of these with TRA and so it took a lot longer to get them posted, but IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!  Maddie is amazing and beautiful so I had a pretty good model to work with!  I’m so glad she liked them!




I had a great chance this weekend to go down and visit my best friend, Amber. She lives in Ft. Myers. We had a blast. Caught up on some much missed laughs together. Here are a few pics from the trip!

view of Ft. Myers from the plane


as soon as i got there i wanted to go to the beach….so we did….and we found sand dollars and sea urchins!  those little suckers peed all over us!  we had to snap a quick picture because we had to put them back in the water before we got fined $500 for removing live animals from the ocean!!  but they were so pretty!


yeah i got a little burnt….what’s new?


so…the joke of the trip was that I wanted to put pink in my hair…why?  I dont know.  So….Ber did it for me.  We went from blonde-ish to WAY PINK!….to blonde…..to finally “COLOR OOPS”.  BEST STUFF EVER IF YOU ARE STUPID AND COLOR YOUR HAIR A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF SOME COLOR YOU KNOW YOUR BOSS WILL FIRE YOU OVER!  here are a few pictures of the process.  She was a trooper.  Cuz we colored 4 times.  Thanks Ber!


On Saturday we went to Busch Gardens in Tampa with some of her friends.  I actually had fun…seeing as I dont really like amusement parks….or large groups of people…  🙂  but I went for her…..I admit…it wasnt that bad.  ;))

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View from Ber’s back yard….no wonder she loves Florida…can we get something like this in Texas so she will move here?  🙂



Courtney Lefler *graduation*

Man oh man.  Where to start?  Courtney has been amazing to me.  She’s been the one true friend that I’ve had since I’ve moved here and she’s stuck by me and loved me and I dont know where I would be without her.  I CANT BELIEVE SHE’S LEAVING ME IN AUGUST!!!  ugh.  But…they are moving to Fort Collins, Colorado to work with a campus ministry up there and help jumpstart the Chi Alpha.  So I cant complain.  Yet another excuse for me to jump on a plane and go visit someone.  She graduates from Sam on May 16th!  Congrats Windy!  I love you!


Piper Elisabeth Bell

Jason and Kimberly make such cute parents.  I loved shooting their maternity shots and they gave me free reign to do whatever I wanted.  [no matter how uncomfortable they may have been].  I love these two and they are amazing people and friends.  piper-46piper-77piper-92

Jason was so funny!  I saw a side of him I hadnt seen before!


This is one of my favs.  Its so hard to choose!


It was a tough decision to pick a favorite, but this is definitely one of them!


This was their precious little girl born on April 26 @10.02pm and I was there for it!  she’s beautiful and I’m so happy for them!  Congrats Bell family!

Easter 2009

Sorry for the delay in blogging folks!  This last month has been kinda crazy for me.  Work work work.  I had a good time at Easter though spending it with the family and we got to do some fun photo shoots. 


Caleb and Paige egg hunting.


Cameron with his Easter basket.


Colt Daniel Lovelace

Little Colt Daniel Lovelace. Nate and Candi are precious and we are so glad they finally had little Colt. He is long overdue and loved very much. This little boy has quite the life in front of him! Can’t wait to watch this baby grow up!easter2009-38easter2009-131easter2009-116easter2009-68